Stana Medical Centre

Your Health, Our concern

  • Quality Medical care services
    We provide quality medical care services at affordable costs
  • Our clients, our priority
    Our patients are our priority, with us every Patient's life matters
  • Get the best customer services
    Feel at StanaMedical and lets make you get better

Learn more

Make an appoinment

Make booking with us for any kind of treatment service for quick and better services

Choose your Treatment

Let us know on what treatment you need and we offer

Help by specialist

Get consultation any time

Get diagnostic report

Your treatment reports are always available if needed

In an emergency? Need help now?

Get in touch with us anytime


Doctors are availble for consultation and Inquires


A well equiped Laboratory for check-ups and tests

U/S Scan & Surgery

Scanning services


Get Dental care services for our skilled dentist

Metarnal, Child and Antenatal Care

Natural birth and other related martenal services such as Immunisation and family planning available

In & Out Patients

Wards available

Our facilities

Available facilities at stana